Monthly Archives: March 2019

2019-2020 Hong Kong Budget Highlights

Hello everyone, I am Alex. 2019-2020 Hong Kong Budget has been released since my last post. Here are those tax relevant spotlights that I’ve addressed for all of you.


  1. Reduce profits tax for Year of Assessment 2018-19 by 75% subject to a ceiling of $20,000 Hong Kong Dollars.
  2. Reduce salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for Year of Assessment 2018-19 by 75%, subject to a ceiling of $20,000 Hong Kong Dollars.
  3. Waive rates for 4 quarters of 2019-20, subject to a ceiling of $1,500 per quarter for each rateable property.
  4. Waive the business registration fees for 2019-20 in a total of $2,000 Hong Kong Dollars.

For other non-tax relevant spotlight include Technology Voucher Programme etc. Details can be found on the link at the bottom.

All listed policies at the above are expecting to be implemented starting from first of April. Benefit both company’s holder and employees. Low resistance from the legislative council is expected.

I am fairly satisfied with this budget. As the fiscal surplus has decreased this year, feasibility of money give out is not possible. Nevertheless, reduce of profits tax raised back subject to a ceiling of $30,000 Hong Kong Dollars will be better.


Furthermore, the two sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC) has started recently. In the spotlight of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and increase of business activity, reliable legal protections are essential. Especially while facing a relatively high and complex Mainland China tax charging. I will try my best to update latest valuable information to all of you.

Have a good day!


2019/2020年度香港政府财政预算案概览 (简体中文)

大家好我是Alex 。自从上一次发文后,2019/2020年度香港政府财政预算案现已公布。现在告诉大家重点注意。


  1. 减免75%利得税, 上限为二万港元 。
  2. 减免75%薪俸税 及个人入息税 ,上限为二万港元。
  3. 寛免 2019-20年度四季差饷, 每户每季上限一千五百元, 年度总数为六千元。
  4. 寛免 2019-20年度商业登记费, 新成立公司可减免二千元。


而跟税务的其他相关有科技卷等, 详细可点阅下方连结。

以上的政策将会在4月1号开始。不管是公司还是员工也会受惠。虽然还是需要立法会通过但是应该没有很大的阻力。而上一篇贴文说顾员自己成立公司以顾问形式受顾的方式更是能最大化的受惠。详细可以看我上一篇的贴文: 2019 年香港财政预算预测 (简体中文)


除此之外,我更期待两会沟通的成果,除着香港人和中央政府对大湾区的关注。频繁的经济活动将需要稳健和透明的政策支持。对比起香港,中国大陆有更重的税项, 港人港税的呼声越来越高。我将紧贴未来,关注动向,为大家洞悉先机。




2019 – 2020 政府財政預算案概覽

大家好我是Alex 。自上一次發文後,2019-2020 香港政府財政預算案現已公告。 現告知大家重點相關。


  1. 減免75%利得稅, 上限為二萬港元 。
  2. 減免75%薪俸稅 及個人入息稅 ,上限為二萬港元。
  3. 寛免 2019-20年度四季差餉, 每戶每季上限一千五百元, 年度總數為六千元。
  4. 寛免 2019-20年度商業登記費, 新成立公司可減免二千元。



以上政策將於4月1號實施。不論是公司或員工均受惠。 雖尚待立法會通過但應無大阻力。

而上一次貼文所述顧員自己成立公司以顧問型式受顧的方式更是能最大化受惠。詳情可閱我上一篇貼文: 2019 年香港財政預算預測


本人對預算案尚算滿意。因政府盈餘下降,派錢的可行性減低, 如利得稅寛免上限能回升至上年度的三萬元將會更佳。


除此之外,我更期待近日兩會溝通的成果, 除著港人及中央政府對大灣區的關注。越趨頻繁的經濟活動將需要穩健及透明的政策支持,面對中國大陸較為荷重的稅項,港人港稅的呼聲越高。我將緊貼未來,密切關注其動向,為大家洞悉先機。



 2019 – 2020 政府財政預算案: